Monday, December 30, 2019
How to Use Your Transferable Skills Effectively on a Resume
How to Use Your Transferable Skills Effectively on a ResumeHow to Use Your Transferable Skills Effectively on a ResumeIf you just graduated college or uni and you have only a little or no experience at all, you might be wondering how to appear proficient on your resume or titel letter. Do you lack any of the abilities or skills listed in the requirements for an ideal candidate? The biggest mistake is to not apply whatsoever.Needless to say, if its a senior position that requires a certain number of relevant experience, then you simply need whats required. However, lacking a skill thats required for an entry-level or a junior position should be no stop sign for you.Even without extensive experience, you can make your resume and cover letter attractive for recruiters. First, you should learn how to make use of your transferable skills. Dont you know what skills are those? Read on.What are transferable skills?Transferable skills are skills, capabilities, and talents that you acquired th rough life via different experiences such as school, college, uni, summer camps, part-time jobs, volunteering, sports, hobbies, etc. Theyre the skills and abilities that are, in a way, a side product of other knowledge or skill. Heres an example the goal of presenting projects and essays at your uni was to get a good grade, but a side product is that youve developed rhetorical skills.Transferable skills are great for two reasonsEverybody has some (even if they dont know about it). College or university has given you much mora than just theoretical knowledge.They translate well into specific job requirements. Keep in mind that most companies dont want to hire a robot who can do everything the way they described in the job offer. They need a person who has the potential to do the job right.The reason why transferable skills are so important is they can be used well in many different industries. A good set of transferrable skills is very favored with the recruiters and hiring managers. Having a broad set of transferable skills is especially beneficial for fresh graduates, people with little work experience or those who are about to radically change their career paths.10 best transferable skillsWeve picked for you the 10 best skills you can easily transfer to many different jobs in various industries. Many jobs might require a combination of more skills together so check them all and find the ones youre great atCommunication and Rhetorical SkillsThese are the skills you can use in many different industries. If you often presented your work at college, have experience with speeches, or debating societies, go ahead and mention it on your resume. Or have you had a part-time service job and communicated well with customers? Even better. You might elaborate on this skill in your cover letter and mention a concrete example of your communication qualities.Writing SkillsHave you ever been good with words? Maybe you wrote some great essays at college, took writing classes at uni, started a blog, or contributed to a college newspaper. Your advantage is that unlike with communication skills, you can always base your writing skills with evidence by sending in your writing samples or linking your resume to your blog or personal website.ResourcefulnessBeing resourceful is a great virtue. Resourcefulness is regarded as a sign of intelligence so if you dont get easily scared of the new, always think of creative ways to work things out or adjust well to new situations, think of a particular task or a circumstance where you had to show resourcefulness and dealt with the issue with ease.OrganisationalSkillsIf youve ever helped to organize college/community/society events, demonstrated organizational skills in school, summer camp, family events, etc. you should definitely mention it if youre applying for a job where organizational skills might come in handy (e.g. community manager, project manager, office manager). Briefly describe your duties and how you contr ibuted to the smooth running of an event.Analytical SkillsAnalytical skills are useful in many different industries. Theyre valued in business, economic and financial sector, marketing, sales as well as in HR or teaching. If you can easily solve a problem by splitting it into details, analyzing them and come to a solution, then go ahead and make use of this transferable skill.CreativityIf youve ever done anything creative, say, any form of art painting, creative writing or any crafts take advantage of it. If youre a creative person, chances are you can be creative in other spheres than art as well. Maybe you can come up with interesting ideas, creatively solve problems, find improvements and solutions.Numerical / Arithmetical SkillsIf youve always been good at maths or if youve ever demonstrated good calculation skills whether at uni or any part time job, say, youve been responsible for the cash register or accounting or anything similar, you might translate it well into other fi elds, too.Time Management SkillsIf youve mastered your own time management, be sure itll be a valued quality in all the industries imaginable. It might seem like the most elementary thing, but in fact, not many people can effectively plan their time, be always on time, make the most of their working hours, prioritize tasks and systematically work on them, so their work has some logical succession. If you can, definitely mention it on a resume and your cover letter.Customer Service SkillsAs a student, you might have worked part time in a restaurant, bar or a caf. Even if this work experience seems irrelevant to your future career, it has taught you valuable skills you can use elsewhere. Being helpful, patient and polite when dealing with people are traits worth its weight in gold. On an interview, you can mention a complicated situation that you handled with ease or talk about a time you helped somebody in distress.Decision-Making SkillsIf youve ever had to make a decision for a larg er group of people and it came out great, dont forget to give yourself credit for that. Decision-making skills are important because your boss wants to know whether youre able to think for yourself, are prompt in deciding whats right and whats wrong and whether he or she can rely on you in difficult situations.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
3 Bad Reasons Youre Putting Off Quitting Your Job -The Muse
3 Bad Reasons Youre Putting Off Quitting Your Job -The Muse3 Bad Reasons Youre Putting Off Quitting Your JobThere are plenty of reasons that its time to quit your job. For some of you, its because your boss loves sending urgent emails that keep you up at all hours of the night. And for others it may be that youve realized that you hate your current field and its just time for a big change. Whatever the reason is for you, you probably know that you should go with that urge you have to quit and find a new job. Yet, even knowing that, the thought of leaving still makes you recoil in fear and say, Eh, maybe next year.But as someone whos stayed in previous jobs for far too long, Im willing to bet you want me to talk you into the idea of staying put. As comfortable as these thoughts might make you feel in the moment, Im actually here today to call you out on your excuses. 1. I Dont Have Time to Update My ResumeAs difficult as this welches for me to admit a few years ago, I said these exact words to a friend of mine whod grown tired of listening to me complain about work. And the deeper the conversation got, the more I dug my feet in. I cant apply for new jobs without an updated resume, and I cant update my resume because I have swing dance classes on Thursday nights, I said with a straight face. Fortunately, my friend was levelheaded enough to tell me that I was full of it. And that was the wake-up call I needed. That day I started blocking off some time on my personal calendar to update that pesky resume and send out those applications. This will probably require you to find time after work (and say no to a few things that sound way more fun), but seeing an event on your calendar can give you the jolt you need to finally get started. 2. Maybe Things Arent as Bad as I Think They Are Right NowIf youre dragging your feet about quitting your job, chances are that youre afraid of leaving behind a good salary. Or youre tentative because you actually like some of the peopl e you work with. Or youre in the middle of a huge project thats been months in the making. Some combination of things that are making your life comfortable are probably the things holding you back from taking the leap. I was there a few years ago. For a while, the ability to go out for happy hour on a whim makes up for a lot of the terrible things that you verstndigung im strafverfahren with at work. But in my experience, as time goes on, even those silver linings stop bringing you joy. And its up to you to ask yourself some tough questions about how much youre willing to sacrifice for that one good thing thats keeping you there. FINDING A NEW JOB CAN BE REALLY OVERWHELMING......and stressful, and hard, and ugh. We make it easier.Amazing jobs right this way 3. Im Probably Going to End Up Accepting a Similarly Bad Job AnywayHeres where your impostor syndrome kicks into full gear. Youre used to having a boss you dont click with. Youve acknowledged that your company doesnt treat you pa rticularly well. And youve concluded that its because youre not good enough for anything better than this. So why bother putting yourself out there, right?At the risk of sounding like a broken record, thats what I told myself a few years ago. Lots of my friends were getting opportunities at great companies, but I figured it was because they were smarter or more talented. Fortunately for me, those people also continued to encourage me to apply for jobs that seemed out of my reach. And while I got rejected from plenty of them, I ultimately ended up landing gigs that I love- including this one with The Muse. So be bold and be willing to put yourself out there. I know it sounds scary, but trust me Youre not doomed to jobs you hate forever.Quittings never easy- even if its a job you cant stand. But as difficult as it is, you might be getting in your own way by staying put. If you really want to move into something different, its time to stop making excuses and start taking some action. I cant promise your search will be easy, but I know that if you dont do anything to change your situation, it cant improve. So get out there and just see what happens
Friday, December 20, 2019
How to Thrive Under a Micromanager
How to Thrive Under a MicromanagerHow to Thrive Under a Micromanager I once had a anfhrer who, though he appeared to be laid-back and less intrusive, would often showcase his true micro management self when I would turn in copy or blog posts. I would spend hours working on something I welches really proud of, only to be given back a heavily edited document that essentially turned the project into his. Even though I was given the title of manager, I felt I truly didnt oversee the department because he was constantly changing our copy or moving dates around on our content calendar. It was tough working under that kind of boss, to say the least.No one likes having a boss who micromanages . Not only is it incredibly annoying to work under someone who constantly changes your work, checks in on projects, moves things around or is always scrutinizing your work, but its also counterproductive to you as a growing professional. But, if you find yourself working under a microma nager , there are a few ways to flip the situation and thrive under your annoying boss. Angela Copeland, career coach at Copeland Coaching , suggests taking the following steps to help turn a negative micromanager situation into a positive working environment.When it comes to thriving under a micro manager, confidence is key. If you love your job and the biggest issue is your micro manager, then its time to take control of the situation so you can be successful at work without having to worry about the stress your boss adds.It can be tough to build self-esteem when your boss is constantly bringing you down, but Copeland says the important thing to remember is that you are good at your job and youre in the position youre in for a reason.Just remember that they hired you for a reason, says Copeland. Dont interpret your boss fear of losing control to be a reflection of your work.Handle the issue directly with your bossIt sounds scary and the idea of tackling the issue head on might gi ve you a burst of nerves, but Copeland says that, when it comes to personality conflicts with your boss , the best way to handle it is to speak with them directly. If you talk to another manager about the issue, your boss will likely find out and will feel like you went over their head. Moreover, bringing HR into the situation doesnt always go as planned. Very often, we think of the HR team as our best friends who are there to help make things happier at work for employees, explains Copeland. In reality, their role is typically to help protect the company from serious legal risks, such as lawsuits. Going to HR first will likely make the problem worse. Wait to escalate to HR until youve tried to work it out with your boss one-on-one.So what exactly do you say when you talk to your boss about how their micro management makes you feel? Think of your boss like your customer, suggests Copeland, who adds you should try to come up with asolution that will help them feel better and will give your conversation a starting point.Copeland suggests getting ahead of the annoying ways in which your boss micromanages you. For example, if they are constantly checking in with your or showing up to meetings unannounced, try saying something like, Im feeling as if I may not be providing the type of update about the project that would work best for you. I want to be aya Im providing everything you need. Would it be helpful if I were to provide a daily e-mail update on the project status?This is a direct way to take control of the situation and hopefully come to an understanding with your boss that you will provide the updates and reach out when they are needed. Another idea Copeland suggest is proposing a weekly meeting for you and your boss to catch up on hot topics.When you look for ways to ease their fears, you can begin to manage your manager, says Copeland.If youre interviewing for a job but are worried about working for a micromanager, the interview is a good time to k eep an eye out for any red flags that your boss is a micromanager. When youre interviewing for the job , be sure you look at the process as a two-way street., says Copeland. Dont simply hope and pray the boss will hire you. Think about the things you need to know before accepting an offer. While you go through this process, pay attention to how you feel about your interactions with the boss. Take note of little signs , including how specific they are about your interview schedule, your start date, and your salary.Moreover, another great way to learn about your future boss is to look up the company on Glassdoor . You can look for feedback from employees who have previously worked in your position or work in the department you would be under and can see what employees are saying about the boss .It is possible to thrive under a micromanagerIt might sound impossible now, but if you consider the following and have a one-on-one with your boss, you can pave the way for a better worki ng relationship with a little more freedom.If you can be open to finding a solution that will calm the managers fears, you will be more likely to thrive, says Copeland. Dont immediately dismiss your managers needs. Remember that theyre your customer. You need to work with them to find a solution that will work.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
This robot butler is being trained to do your chores
This robot butler is being trained to do yur choresThis robot butler is being trained to do your choresNo one enjoys picking up after themselves, and in the future, you may not have to, because your robot butler will be cleaning your house for you, always ready and able to lend a helping hand. Thats the world researchers fromMITs Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory(CSAIL) and the University of Toronto are envisioning.Their new paper details how they are training robots, called artificial agents, to learn complex commands within household chores through a 3-D world inspired by The Sims video game.Robots are being taught to do our tedious choresOne reason why we dont all have robot butlers at our beck and call is that it is hard to teach a robot to infer and reason like we can. Take the command turn on the TV. We would know that this means we need to fetch the remote and use the power button on it. We also know that we would need to be in range of the TV to do this. A robot would get stumped on these implicit details.To better teach a robot to pick up on these cues, the researchers usedVirtualHome, a system which simulates household tasks in a furnished house that looks like our own. The artificial agent would watch the videos within VirtualHome to break down complex tasks into manageable ones. So far, the researchers have successfully put its artificial agent through 1,000 tasks like making a cup of coffee.In the future, the researchers hope to teach its robot beyond the world of VirtualHome, and hope that it can learn by just watching a YouTube video. There are many exciting avenues going forward, for example, training agents to perform tasks from visual observation alone, the paper concludes.Robots could one day learn by observing us instead of having our commands exhaustively explained to them. For those of us who need help managing the day-to-day demands of a household, its help would be a welcome relief. You can imagine a umgebung where robots are assisting with chores at home and can eventually anticipate personalized wants and needs, or impending action, the papers lead author, MIT PhD student Xavier Puig, said. This could be especially helpful as an assistive technology for the elderly, or those who may have limited mobility.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
New Guidelines for Pressure Boundary and Bolted Joint Assembly
New Guidelines for Pressure Boundary and Bolted Joint Assembly New Guidelines for Pressure Boundary and Bolted Joint Assembly In 2010, ASME Standards Certification published a much expanded edition of the voreingestellt reference, PCC-1-2010 Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Joint Assembly replaces the first, 2000 edition. The new publication reflects advances in gasket technology, bolting assembly procedures, and calculation methods. Safety from Lessons Learned Since PCC-1s original release concern arose over incidents of bolted joint leakage, some involving personnel injury, that could have been avoided with relatively minor changes to assembly procedures. PCC-1-2010 incorporates new recommendations based on this experience. For example in section 13.0 Joint Pressure and Tightness Testing, a caution was added on the use of temporary gaskets used during pressure and tightness testing. The revision also recommends that gaskets not be reused. Section 7.0, Lubrication of Working Surfaces, was updated to include a recommendation that bolts be checked for free-running nuts during bolt lubrication. This was based on experience indicating that relatively small imperfections on the bolt or nut thread can significantly affect the obtained bolt load when tightening the joint. Another addition, that excessive paint be removed before assembling the joint, was based on the observation that excessive paint thickness between the nut and back of the flange could cause joint leakage due to loss of the bolt load as the paint degrades. Tensioning a flange By including industry best practice, the standard achieves improvements in assembly efficiency and joint integrity.Filling in the Knowledge Gaps Previous guidelines for flange face flatness were based on manufacturing tolerances and often did not reflect what practical experience. Nor did they address imperfections in the flange facing. In practice, the acceptable imperfections for a flange facing depend on the type of g asket. Appendix D, Guidelines for Allowable Gasket Contact Surface Flatness and Defect Depth, describe flatness limits based on compression the gasket experiences during assembly. The appendix also covers acceptable levels of local flange facing imperfections, which depend on the materials used. The revision of Appendix E Flange Joint Alignment Guidelines incorporates a similar departure from older standards. Alignment guidelines for PCC-1-2010 were completely rewritten to focus on geometry-based limits with associated alignment-force limits. Similarly, Appendix M Hardened Washer Usage Guideline and Purchase Specification, was created to fill a need for a hardened washer specification that suited bolted joint applications for pressure vessels and piping. Improved Integrity, Less Effort PCC-1 was updated to improve joint assembly productivity by allowing graphite to remain in the flange surface schliff grooves after cleaning when using graphite-faced gaskets. This reduces the effort associated with preparing the joint for reassembly. Even greater productivity gains are possible through the alternative tightening procedures outlined in Appendix F Alternative Flange Bolt Assembly Patterns. Since the initial release of PCC-1, considerable effort was made to demonstrate that faster assembly methods can achieve joint integrity equal to or better than those obtainable through older methods. The theory behind these improvements is the use of an appropriate pattern for the gasket being employed and by increasing the bolt load at a much more rapid rate than the legacy method. Pattern passes employing multiple tools have been included to reflect this common industry practice. Answering Age-Old Questions Engineers working with pressure vessel and piping bolted joints often face the question of which assembly bolt is more appropriate. Appendix O Assembly Bolt Load Selection outlines two methods of determining the appropriate assembly bolt load for a given joint. The other significant conundrum involves diagnosing cause(s) of leaks. The new Appendix P Guidance on Troubleshooting Flanged Joint Leakage Incidents covers leakage assessment through examination of the original joint configuration, assembly history, operating conditions, and condition of the joint and gasket subsequent to joint disassembly. The appendix provides guidance, checklists that guide users through joint leakage investigations, and contains a sample Flanged Joint Leak Report and additional considerations for common flange design issues and potential resolutions. Training and Certification The lack of standardized qualifications for bolted joint assemblers has been identified as an issue by many in industry and is a leading cause of joint leakage due to poor assembly practices. To improve the position quo, a significant revision to the existing PCC-1 Appendix A was drafted and is under consideration. The proposed new Appendix A outlines requirements for creation and administration of training and assessment programs for certifying bolted joint assemblers, and suggests minimum course content for that certification. ASME PCC-1-2010 represents a step change in the level of detail provided for guidance on bolted joint assembly and guide continued improvement in the integrity of bolted flanged joints. Adapted from Assembling Knowledge by Warren Brown, Clyde Neely, and Steven J. Rossi, for Mechanical Engineering, July 2010.The lack of standardized qualifications for bolted joint assemblers has been identified as an issue by many in industry and is a leading cause of joint leakage due to poor assembly practices.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Resume Email Sample Explained
Resume Email Sample Explained Resume Email Sample Features You must make sure, however, your contact IS in good standing with the organization youre applying for. To prevent irritating the person on the opposite side of your message, use the next templates when youre cold contacting someone with the aim of asking for a referral. Despite a strong contact, its never recommended to appear over-confident. Email is usually acceptable in most situations, especially if email has been your normal means of communicating with the individual who referred you. The Lost Secret of Resume Email Sample If you dont do each one of the above, your email will probably go right to the massenmail folder even if its the proper partnership. Emailing a resume isnt as easy as it appears. If you want the latter, your email message needs to be brief. Its as easy as sending a follow-up email. You also shouldnt put anything in the topic line that appears to be an advertising email. A lot of people wan t to learn the proper means of mentioning email attachments. You need to make certain the other side feel like its not an obviously mass email. What You Need to Do About Resume Email Sample Beginning in the Next Seven Minutes Its possible to still attach your cover letter in another file, just be sure it matches the content of your cover email. If you require any additional document, please feel free to get in nichts von with me at (give the proper phone number). When youve gathered the information that you require, youre prepared to put it into the resume template. Steer clear of any formatting in the resume email text If you would like your email to be read, a good idea is to remove all of the formatting. It can be quite so beneficial considering that the sample will lead you in making your own version of resume. The format generally remains precisely the same. Open the attachment so youre convinced you attached the proper file in the proper format, and that it opens corre ctly. If you dont wish to specify any specific file, avoid utilizing the. The Resume Email Sample Game Individuals frequently dont understand how to take care of e-mail job enquiries. Use the search box to find just what you want to get.Employing a short, direct, concise, yet intriguing e-mail will enable the hiring manager to rapidly see that you might be the acceptable candidate the organization is seeking. You may spielblttchen the sample products that you will love to get from the catalog we sent earlier. Then, examine your own experience and discover the pieces of your experience that match the work description. Be clear of what youre looking for and your expertise. Even in the event that you craft the ideal email to send a resume, its still true that you require a killer cover letter. Specify youve attached your resume and cover letter and dont repeat what youve written in the cover letter. You can see the complete cover letter at the next link. An unsolicited cove r letter is utilized to pitch yourself to a possible employer, either for a present job opening, or as a means of introducing yourself to a business youd love to work with. The trick is to include your name and offer a voransicht of the objective of the message. Without a signature at the conclusion of your email cover letter, you might be passing up incredible possible job opportunities. The letter really should not be overly long and also only the ideal details ought to be written. Keep in mind, the real key to a great cover letter is personalization. It is possible to also mention specific dental procedures you have special experience with.2. As that you dont have a thing to disclose where work experience can be involved, you would love to concentrate in your academic qualifications as well as other achievements which you have. The goal of a work application is to present the complete information regarding your experience and skills to the recruiter in a fast and simplified manner. The subject should contain the work role youre applying for. Permit the recruiter see that you understand what the job is about and youre ready to accept the responsibilities head on. Frequently, employers might ask you to follow instructions so that they can see and answer the email, others might be testing you will read and finish the instructions properly. You may believe you understand how to email a resume to a prospective employer. Furthermore, it truly is difficult for you to go and chat up every single future employer about how youre acceptable to find a particular job.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
5 Effective Ways to Optimize Your Recruitment Strategy for Young Talent Acquisition - Spark Hire
5 Effective Ways to Optimize Your Recruitment Strategy for Young Talent Acquisition - Spark HireMillennials and Generation Z are peculiar generations, at least by traditional recruiting and business standards. It seems that these generations are constantly breaking the norms, reshaping old narratives, and restructuring the world around them. And business leaders are struggling to match their pace. Why? Because theres nothing quite like the cumbersome task of inspiring young talent to take an interest in your company, or to stay for mora than a couple of years if youre lucky. To achieve this, you not only need to write terrific job descriptions, but you need to optimize your entire recruiting strategy as well.There are many techniques you can leverage to bring top talent into your company and incentivize them to become part of your brands family. Some of those methods include leveraging technology and visual media, restructuring your brands values, optimizing your perks and benefits, and taking a proactive approach to recruiting. Lets talk about what it takes to drive talent acquisition when youre targeting millennials and Gen Z.Find talented where they hang outThe first step in optimizing your recruitment strategy is to rethink your approach to job posting, and your online and offline communication with potential employees. Its important to understand the candidates and put yourself in their shoes to achieve this. Ask yourself, would you scour the web in search of a great job opportunity, or would you rather a great job offer land on your doorstep? Naturally, the younger generations love nothing more than to find these career opportunities in their online and offline hangouts, so you better plan ahead.First, research your target demographic. Instead of optimizing for customers, plug in the metrics for employees. Where do your top potential employees like to hang out? Find out where they are, online or offline, and then adapt your approach to fit their narrative , lifestyle, and routine. This will make them more receptive to what you have to say, and they might even get in touch. Remember, while youre waiting for someone to click on your generic job ad on Facebook, your forward-looking competitors are finding talented individuals on their home turf.Use visual media to optimize your messagingModern generations are born into the world digital. Its what makes them digital natives and shapes their mindsets, their core beliefs, and the way they interact with the rest of the world. So why are you still posting written job descriptions, and communicating with candidates over email when you can create a more personal experience with video?Nowadays, young talent is looking to engage with a company that speaks to their tech-savvy upbringing, and is able to cater to their needs. Think vibrant presentations, seamless and captivating animations, live video interviews, video job descriptions, infographic job descriptions, and combining numerous visual el ements to nail your recruitment messaging and speak directly to the hearts and minds of your employee demographic.Emphasize the verkommen perks youre offeringSpeaking of technology, its one of those essential perks that your company needs to offer to young talent if you are to spark their interest and make your offer more appealing. Candidates need to know that youre innovative and forward-looking and be confident that youre flexible . Set yourself apart from other employers by using technology to create a better candidate experience and promote your unique company culture.Nowadays, employees want the flexibility of working in thriving coworking spaces like Altitude cowork, that provide all of the perks and amenities they need to do a stellar job, network with other talent, and enjoy a positive work environment tailored for the 21st century employee. Instead of trying to attract young talent with a traditional office environment or the old ways of during business (you are on the clo ud, right?) be aya to emphasize all of the modern perks that spark a modern employees interest.Focus on current opportunities, not future potentialSpeaking of perks and benefits, keep in mind that younger generations of workers have greatly shifted the narrative from future career potential to current career opportunities. What matters most to the millennial and Gen Z talent is what youre offering right now. Rest assured, you still have to have comprehensive career advancement strategies, as this is a valuable perk that tells employees that you care, but you should also focus on delivering immediate value.If you want to attract top talent and even bring overqualified individuals into your ranks, you need to show them what you have in store for them in the next year, two, or three. You can talk about their five-year plan down the road, but for now, focus on the present this way, you wont scare the candidate off, and you will have sparked their interest.Inspire them to join your bran d familyFinally, always remember that the modern employee is looking for something more than to just work for a company. To be an employee means little to the younger generations, but to be a part of a thriving brand culture is a whole other matter, and a high-value proposition they wont be able to refuse. Be sure to align your brands values with the values of your employee demographic, stand up for the same causes and initiatives, and invite them to join the fight and become a part of brand that strives to make a difference.Wrapping upTalent acquisition is more difficult than it has ever been, and its all thanks to the millennials and Gen Z-ers who dare to reinvent the wheel. While you cant change them, you can certainly evolve your business and your recruitment processes to appeal to these dominant demographics, so be sure to implement these tactics in order to drive your talent acquisition strategy forward.About the AuthorJacob Wilson is a business consultant, and an organization al psychologist, based in Brisbane. Passionate about marketing, social networks, and business in general. In his spare time, he writes a lot about new business strategies and digital marketing for Bizzmark blog.
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